

Ambassador Jose S. Laurel III Scholarship

Awarded to top graduates of the Basic Japanese 5 and Intermediate Japanese 6 classes. The scholarship is applicable only upon enrollment in the next course level.

Professor Kenjiro Ogata Scholarship

This scholarship is available to deserving students who enroll in the JLPT N1 to N3 Review classes.

Tuition Fee Discounts

Tuition fee rebates are given to students who excel in Basic Japanese 1 to 4, and Intermediate Japanese 1 to 5 Courses.

Nanzan University Undergraduate Scholarship for Policy Studies

Nanzan is a prestigious Catholic university in Nagoya, Japan with approximately 10,000 students, including about 300 foreign nationals. Since 2000, Nanzan has been offering one (1) undergraduate scholarship per year to qualified PIJLC-NCF students interested to enroll in its 4-year A.B. Policy Studies program.

Kake Gakuen Scholarship

The Kake Gakuen Cup Japanese Speech International Tournament is held annually in Okayama, Japan. Contestants are chosen from winners of speech contests held in different countries. In the Philippines, NCF has cooperated with Kake Gakuen since 2014, in hosting the annual Kake Nihongo Speech Contest. Winners are offered scholarship prizes and other benefits.

Ritsumeikan-Asia Pacific University Scholarship

A multilingual and multicultural university where half of its students have come from over 150 different countries worldwide. APU offers two partial scholarship slots every year to PIJLC-NCF recommendees.