Customized Nihongo Courses
NCF designs Intensive Nihongo classes for groups of trainees of corporate clients who need to acquire Japanese language proficiency within a relatively short period of time. The scope, duration and schedule of the classes will be customized to clients’ objectives and expectations from their trainees.
A standard course involves a minimum of 550 hours spread out over six (6) months. This will entail 5 classroom hours per day, five days a week. Under this course, a beginner without any knowledge or background in Nihongo will be prepared to take the JLPT N4 exam. For an additional 50 to 100 hours of study, NCF can further train students on technical terms and expressions common to a specialized field.
当校の集中日本語コースは、自社研修生に短期間に日本語を身に付けさせたいという企業向けのコースで、期間、時間数、学習範囲などは、お客様のご希望に合わせて調整いたします。 標準的な集中コースとしては、ゼロから始めてJLPT N4受験レベルま で学ぶ550時間コースがあります。このコースは、1日5時間、週 5日の6か月で、基礎日本語の習得を目標にしています。 さらにご希望があれば、50~100時間追加し、専門分野の語彙や 表現を学ぶこともできます。
Nihongo for Healthcare Industry
Since 2007, NCF has collaborated with the Japan Foundation Manila in providing preparatory intensive Nihongo training for Filipino nurse and care worker candidates prior to their employment in Japan under the Philippines-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (PJEPA). To date, NCF has conducted the Japanese Language training for about a third (approximately 1,300) of all Filipino nurses and caregivers sent to Japan to work in classes held at the NCF Manila Branch and accommodated at the Philippines-Japan Alumni Center dormitory, both in Sampaloc, Manila.
The course is a full-time program that runs for six months and is supervised by the Japan Foundation. Immediately after the course, the candidates leave for Japan where they undergo another 6-month intensive Nihongo course before they are finally employed in hospitals, hospices and similar health care facilities.
2007年以来、当校は国際交流基金マニラの委託を受け、比日経済 連携協定に基づいて、フィリピン人看護師および介護福祉士の渡日前 集中日本語予備教育を実施してきました。 今日まで日本に派遣されたフィリピン人看護師と介護福祉士の累積総 数の約3分の1(1300人程度)に対して、マニラ市サンパロクに あるマニラ校で日本語訓練を施し、マニラ校から徒歩5分の所にある 「比日同窓会センター寮(PJAC)」を宿舎として提供しました。
このコースは6か月の全日制で、国際交流基金の監督の下に実施され ています。コース終了後は直ちに渡日し、さらに6か月の集中日本語 教育を受けてから、病院、ホスピス、その他の医療介護施設に派遣 されます。
Nihongo for Hospitality Industry
Under contract with Japanese employers, NCF has trained Filipino workers enrolled in Basic 1 to Basic 5 classes under a modified curriculum specifically designed for the Hotel and Hospitality Industry in Japan.
フィリピン人採用を希望する日本のホテル業界関係者のために、初級 日本語(Basic 1 to Basic 5) にホテル接客会話と専門用語を加えた 特注コースを実施しました。

Nihongo for Healthcare Industry
Since 2007, NCF has collaborated with the Japan Foundation Manila in providing preparatory intensive Nihongo training for Filipino nurse and care worker candidates prior to their employment in Japan under the Philippines-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (PJEPA). To date, NCF has conducted the Japanese Language training for about a third (approximately 1,300) of all Filipino nurses and caregivers sent to Japan to work in classes held at the NCF Manila Branch and accommodated at the Philippines-Japan Alumni Center dormitory, both in Sampaloc, Manila.
The course is a full-time program that runs for six months and is supervised by the Japan Foundation. Immediately after the course, the candidates leave for Japan where they undergo another 6-month intensive Nihongo course before they are finally employed in hospitals, hospices and similar health care facilities.
2007年以来、当校は国際交流基金マニラの委託を受け、比日経済 連携協定に基づいて、フィリピン人看護師および介護福祉士の渡日前 集中日本語予備教育を実施してきました。 今日まで日本に派遣されたフィリピン人看護師と介護福祉士の累積総 数の約3分の1(1300人程度)に対して、マニラ市サンパロクに あるマニラ校で日本語訓練を施し、マニラ校から徒歩5分の所にある 「比日同窓会センター寮(PJAC)」を宿舎として提供しました。
このコースは6か月の全日制で、国際交流基金の監督の下に実施され ています。コース終了後は直ちに渡日し、さらに6か月の集中日本語 教育を受けてから、病院、ホスピス、その他の医療介護施設に派遣 されます。
Nihongo for Hospitality Industry
Under contract with Japanese employers, NCF has trained Filipino workers enrolled in Basic 1 to Basic 5 classes under a modified curriculum specifically designed for the Hotel and Hospitality Industry in Japan.
フィリピン人採用を希望する日本のホテル業界関係者のために、初級 日本語(Basic 1 to Basic 5) にホテル接客会話と専門用語を加えた 特注コースを実施しました。

Nihongo for General Employment Objectives
NCF has conducted special Nihongo classes for employees of Japanese companies in the Philippines.
Translation & Interpretation
Translation 翻訳 refers to written, while Interpretation 通訳 refers to oral translation services. NCF offers both services depending on the availability of members of its faculty who are qualified and experienced in extending the services.
英語、日本語、フィリピン語の間の文書翻訳(翻訳)と口頭翻訳(通訳 )については、翻訳者・通訳者の都合が付けばお引き受けします。

Translation & Interpretation
Translation 翻訳 refers to written, while Interpretation 通訳 refers to oral translation services. NCF offers both services depending on the availability of members of its faculty who are qualified and experienced in extending the services.
英語、日本語、フィリピン語の間の文書翻訳(翻訳)と口頭翻訳(通訳 )については、翻訳者・通訳者の都合が付けばお引き受けします。
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the required proficiency level for employment in Japan?
JLPT N4 is the minimum required proficiency level for employment in Japan.
Does NCF assist workers to gain employment in Japan?
No. NCF only teaches Nihongo.
Does NCF offer any certifications?
Students who pass a course may be issued a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION upon
payment of PhP150.00.
Students who do not pass a course, but have attended at least 70% of class hours,
may be issued a CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE upon payment of Php 150.00.
Does NCF offer scholarships for its students to universities in Japan?
NCF has relationships with several Japanese universities offering partial scholarships
to Filipinos aspiring to study in Japan. For more info on scholarships, click here.
NCF can also assist students who wish to apply for Japanese Government
scholarships through the Embassy of Japan in Manila. For more info, click here.